I’m excited! RMA is having a WeCanReason Webinar on March 29th at 7:00 pm MDT and the speaker is Phil Zuckerman. The title of his presentation is the title of this article. If anyone can answer that question, Phil can because he has devoted much of his academic career to the study of secularism. Phil is a professor of sociology at Pitzer College and a regular affiliated professor at Claremont Graduate University. In addition, Phil was a guest professor at the University of Aarhus, Denmark for two years. While in Denmark, he researched one of the world’s most secular populations. After accumulating a wealth of information about secular populations, he founded the first Secular Studies department in the USA. Phil has published many articles in various scholarly journals, such as Sociology Compass, Sociology of Religion, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Deviant Behavior, and Religion, Brain, and Behavior.

In addition to his academic work, Phil has written several trade books, four of which are pictured above. He also writes a blog in Psychology Today, titled “The Secular Life.” He writes for the Huffington Post and blogs for Only Sky Media. He is also the research editor for Only Sky. He has had many speaking engagements for universities, and organizations such as CFI, and even churches.
We are very fortunate to have Phil speaking for us, as atheists. One of the most common questions that atheists get from believers is, “If you don’t believe in God, where do you get your morals?” With Phil’s information, we will be able to tell family and friends who are still believers where we get our morals and that, on average, atheists are, in fact, more moral than believers. So put March 29 at 7:00 pm MDT on your calendar and come to the webinar with your questions. After the talk, there will be a Q&A when Phil can provide answers. The Zoom link for the webinar is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81416289479. You can also go to the RMA Meetup page to use the link. See you there?