How Gut Bacteria Affects Autism Behaviors
People with autism might have a gut microbiota that promotes inflammation and lacks protective microbes.
People with autism might have a gut microbiota that promotes inflammation and lacks protective microbes.
Decaf coffee and tea brands have been under scrutiny for allegedly containing harmful “chemicals,” causing unnecessary concern.
Cells move like trains, navigating through complex environments and interacting with each other.
In the twilight of his life, Michelangelo’s lesser-known works reveal how a genius grapples with aging.
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have identified why a promising lithium-ion battery cathode material degrades with use.
The universe has been expanding since the Big Bang, with matter becoming less dense and hot over time.
The universe has been expanding since the Big Bang, with matter becoming less dense and hot over time.
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a significant concern in the workforce, with shoulder injuries causing considerable downtime and productivity loss.
Around 2 million years ago, Earth may have lost its protective bubble, the heliosphere, due to a dense cold cloud of hydrogen atoms.