June 2024 Newsletter

Rocky Mountain Atheists

Events Newsletter

For June,  2024

Have you said something nice to someone today? Try to do so before the day is over because June 1st is National Say Something Nice Day. As indicated by the caption, June 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day. June has many more special days such as Leave the Office Early Day, National Donut Day, National Cheese Day, National Best Friends Day, National Iced Tea Day, National Sewing Machine Day, Nature Photography Day, National Fudge Day, International Sushi Day, National Garfield the Cat Day, Take Your Dog to Work Day, International Pineapple Day, and International Asteroid Day. Yes, this is a bit silly but sometimes we need a little silliness in our lives. So, “Happy June,” enjoy the summer.


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June 4, National Hug Your Cat Day


Lois’ Pick: My pick for this month is Podcast for Inquiry, presented by the Centre for Inquiry Canada. Host, Leslie Rosenblood, interviews a variety of interesting guests. Some of his recent guests are constitutional lawyer, Andrew Siedel, author of The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, Kat McLeod, one of the speakers at our WeCanReason Conference, Maryam Namazie, spokesperson for One Law for All and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, and many more. The variety of topics is so great that anyone will find some podcasts that they will enjoy.



June 4

Skeptics in the Pub

First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm


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Skeptics in the Pub was the first recurring event of RMA in its original form. Many of us were first introduced to the organization and made lasting friendships at Skeptics in the Pub. So, let’s keep up the tradition. Come to the pub, meet like-minded people, listen to a short but interesting presentation, and have a thought-provoking discussion, along with a drink and some food.

You can find us in the private Barrell room at the Trolley 5 Brewpub, 728 17th Ave. SW.



June 6

Life Without Religion

First Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm


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Live Without Religion (LWR) is a peer support group for people whose lives have been negatively impacted by religion. Nearly anyone who has left a fundamentalist or high-control religion can tell you that it leaves not only scars but sometimes open wounds. Nothing helps with the healing better than sharing your experience and discussing how to heal with others who have had a similar experience. That mutual support is what we find in LWR meetings. If you want to learn more about LWR, contact Lois at loislwr@gmail.com.



June 10

RMA Coffee Chat

Second Monday of every month at 1:00 pm


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Nothing like a cup of coffee and a friendly chat, especially with friends who are up for a wide variety of topics. Everyone has a chance to introduce a topic and start a discussion. Got a “pet peeve?” Bring it on and get feedback. You don’t even have to leave your house to come to Coffee Chat. Just click on https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85865852542 and you will be




June 11

Music Jam Night

As announced at 7:00 pm


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Do you like to make music, sing along, or just tap your foot and listen? Come join the Heathens for Jam Night at Bottlescrew Bills. It is located at 140 10 Ave SW. And, by

 the way, you will find good company, drinks, and delicious food.


Thursday June 13

RMA Book Club

Second Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm


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When you read a good book and come to the end, does it sometimes feel like an anticlimax? Do you want to read more but there isn’t any more? What you need to do is discuss the book with other people who have read it. So come to Book Club. Everyone has a chance to present their ideas about the book and then there is an open discussion.


The book that we will be discussing in the June meeting is How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence, by Michael Pollan. Pollan had always been skeptical about psychedelic drugs but became very curious about them when the medical field started to study them seriously as treatments for such things as depression, addiction, and anxiety. After a significant amount of internal debate, he decided to do some personal research. The book reveals what he learned through both academic studying and personal experience. Join the discussion by clicking on https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83491899748.  



June 18

Life Without Religion

Third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm


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People who have never been in, or closely associated with, a high-control religion or cult, cannot understand the ordeal associated with leaving such a group. If you are going through that ordeal and are trying to explain to someone who can’t understand it, you can feel worse and more distressed than before. That is why we created Life Without Religion, to bring together people who will understand the journey out of religion and who will support each other. If you are on such a journey and are interested in learning more about the group, contact Lois at loislwr@gmail.com.



June 24

Movie Night – Online

Fourth Monday of every month at 7:00 pm




The movie for June is Leonardo – The Man Who Saved Science. Was Leonardo da Vinci an artist, a musician, a scientist, an historian, an archivist, or all of the above? Evidence shows that some of “his” inventions might be traced back to 1700 years before he lived. Did he “steal” these inventions? You will learn this and more by joining us for Movie Night. You can find us at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88110519947.


Thursday June 27

RMA Monthly Board Meeting

Fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm


Board Meetings are important. Past events and programs are evaluated, future events are planned, and overall goals are discussed. Everyone is welcome to attend board meetings because new ideas and perspectives are always helpful. However, only board members vote on motions. This month’s meeting will be in the Program Room at the Signal Hill Library, 5994 Signal Hill Centre SW.



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