We are an inclusive community of atheists, humanists, skeptics and secular freethinkers who welcome people of all backgrounds and identities.
We won’t all agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for disrespectful behavior. Disagreements should be resolved in a constructive manner and without personal attacks. Challenge ideas not people. Do not insult or put down other participants. Harassment and other exclusionary behavior aren’t acceptable.
All of our events, online and in person, adhere to this standard.
If you would like to support our work, please donate.

Skeptics in the Pub
The First Tuesday of each month we at meet Trolley 5 Brewpub on 17th Ave SW to socialize, eat, drink, and enjoy a discussion. Topics alternate between a religious or secular theme.
Free! Come on out, meet some people and enjoy it.
Book Club
A monthly meeting held on the second Thursday. Read a thought provoking book on a variety of topics. Challenge your thinking and discuss your thoughts with others. It is never boring! In Person and Online options are available.

Movie Night
Watch online as part of a group. Every month there is an interesting, funny, charming or maybe even challenging movie to watch and discuss afterwards.
Movies announced in advance on Meetup
Coffee Chat
Join us on the second Monday of each month for a jolt of caffeine, for conversation, or just to hang out and meet interesting people.

- March 2025 NewsletterCelebrating Humanist Progress: The Founding of Humanists International On March 5, 1952, humanist leaders from around the world came together… Read more: March 2025 Newsletter
Find out our whole list of events planned for this month.
Webinar Series
Please watch our Meetup Page for upcoming webinars.
We record these webinars and put them on YouTube in case you missed them. Click below for more.

Please support our work with a donation, one time or recurring. Thank you!