Life Without Religion is a peer support group created for individuals who experience difficulty in their lives due to leaving a religion or serious conflicts caused by religious influences. Go to the Meetup link for Zoom link and more details.
RMA Coffee Chat is an enjoyable, unstructured, afternoon conversation. Anyone can introduce an idea or ask a question and the group will jump in and discuss it. You never know where the conversation will go but it is always interesting and sometimes even educational. Join us and add your two-cents-worth.
Interested in joining Book Club? We meet once a month on the second Thursday of the month. Everyone will have a chance to share their impression of the book. See our "Book Club" page on the website, under News > Book Club for a list of the books, past, present and future!
Life Without Religion is a peer support group created for individuals who experience difficulty in their lives due to leaving a religion or serious conflicts caused by religious influences. Please see the Meetup link for details, the Zoom link, or to join.
The Board of the Rocky Mountain Atheists meets once a month on the fourth Thursday. All are welcome* to join in our discussions as we work to grow RMA into a thriving and caring community. However, only Board Members can vote. But you join the Board! See Meetup for the location each month.